DATE POSTED: April 15th 2024
Senior Post-doctoral Researcher/Senior Research Associate Opportunity: Movement ecology of Greenland halibut in the context of fisheries management across Baffin Bay-Davis Strait, Eastern Canadian Arctic.
This position is highly collaborative involving academia (University of Windsor, University of Manitoba, University of Victoria), resource managers (Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Government of Nunavut) and stakeholders (Inuit Community Hunters and Trappers Organizations and Community Members, Nunavut Fisheries Association, Nunavut Commercial Fishing Industry and the Ocean Tracking Network).
Our diverse team is currently seeking a highly qualified Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher/Senior Research Associate to lead a well-established basin scale telemetry program focused on the inshore-offshore movement dynamics of commercially important Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) and principal bycatch species, Arctic skate (Amblyraja hyperborea) and Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus). Established in 2010 in conjunction with the Ocean Tracking Network (HQ at Dalhousie University) and partners listed above, the array currently consists of >150 receiver moorings (VR2ARs and VR2-69W with ORE releases) equipped with various environmental loggers and marine mammal/ambient sound hydrophones. The Baffin Bay-Davis Strait array has undergone several iterations to address specific experimental questions on Greenland halibut movement; for example, to demonstrate inshore-offshore connectivity, occurrence and timing of spawning migration, transitions across management zones, survivorship. Over 1000 fish have been tagged and are available for detection, with ~200 fish tagged and released each year. The overall program is led through The Hussey Lab (PI Nigel E. Hussey) in conjunction with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Dr. Kevin J. Hedges). We are seeking a dedicated, team orientated and self-motivated candidate to take on the role of coordinating this program and driving forward the next three-year phase of experimental designs and completing research outputs relevant for resource management. This project involves fieldwork in the challenging, but unique Arctic environment; a minimum of a one-month expedition across Baffin Bay per year and potential winter expeditions to Inuit communities. The candidate must be able to communicate with diverse stakeholders over project goals, planning and results and will attend regular stakeholder meetings across Canada. The overall program provides an exciting opportunity for an early career researcher to take the reins of the largest acoustic telemetry observation program in the Arctic and for individual creativity in terms of development of scientific questions (both pure and applied).
Essential Qualification/s: Candidates must have graduated from a recognized doctoral degree programme focused on marine biology and ecology. Doctoral work must have been completed in the natural sciences with specialization in marine ecology, physiology, statistics or related disciplines. Additional Post-doctoral experience focused on aquatic animal movement ecology is a major asset. The individual must have extensive experience with telemetry methods, with a focus on acoustic telemetry; experience will include field planning (coordination, communication, management), field work (team work, fishing techniques, electronic tagging procedures and equipment turnover and maintenance, etc) and data manipulation and statistical treatment (use of relevant apporaches to determine movement metrics, undertake multivariate statistics, mapping of movement paths with competency and enthusiasm to develop skills to use new packages/approaches). Depending on the candidate’s professional level, there will also be opportunities for senior supervision of graduate students.
Location: The candidate will be based in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The position may transfer to Fisheries and Oceans Canada in following years when funding is secured.
Funding: The position is currently fully funded for the first year and our expectation is for it to be funded for an additional two years. Salary will be based on experience and within the range of $65,000 - $90,000 (Canadian dollars) per year plus medical benefits (Green Shield Coverage; ~$6,000).
Contact: For more information or if there are specific questions, please contact Nigel Hussey at the University of Windsor (nehussey @uwindsor.ca).
Interested candidates should submit their application package by email to Nigel E. Hussey (nehussey@uwindsor.ca) and Kevin J. Hedges (kevin.hedges@dfo-mpo.gc.ca). Application package should include a full curriculum vitae, cover letter expressing the candidate’s experience relevant to that outlined for the position and a list of three referees. Review of applications will be undertaken on an ongoing basis starting on May 15th until the appropriate candidate is identified.